Sunday, September 14, 2014

Organize the Chaos, Simplify Your Life

Life is busy!  How many times have you asked a friend "How are you?" and the answer is "I'm just so busy".  Or you compare schedules with that same friend and you end up penciling something in for next quarter?  Think about it.  Do you know of anyone who isn't busy?  If you do, I bet you feel a little sorry for them.  Most of us wouldn't change our busy lives even if it's on the top of our "what makes life hard" list. In most cases we are doing what we want to do...experiencing and living life...soaking up as much of it as we can.  Life is so full of exciting, interesting things and we want it all.  In fact, being busy is almost a badge of honor these days. 

As a mother of 5 with a full time job and a graduate program I'm finishing up, I am not in a position to preach about slowing down.  In fact, with all of that going on, my organization skills have been seriously tested the last year or so.  That has required me to sharpen my current skills and look for new ways to contain the chaos.  My goal is to share how organizing my space, time, and thoughts has helped me gain control and increase efficiency in my life...and how you can too.  I'll also take you along on the journey as I discover new ideas, techniques and products and determine how they can help (or not help in some cases) in the quest for simplification.

Whether you are a fellow organization enthusiast, or your organized side has been well hidden for a long time, I hope that you will find this blog useful.  I've started a list of topics, (of course); however, leave a comment if there is a topic you'd like to discuss and I will address it.  Not sure? Check back next week and I'll help you figure out where your 'time sucks' are.

Welcome to Organized Chaos; Simplified Life.   


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