Sunday, October 12, 2014

Happy National Clean Your Junk Drawer Day!!

Alright, I made that up.  But, it is so important to your psyche it should be a day!  Have you had that experience where you make your bed for the first time in forever, and every time you walk past your room you feel a sense of relief and/or accomplishment?  It makes you feel great that there is that one part of your life that is in order, so it's a good day.  Think of how many times you yank open the junk drawer in a day, and imagine having that little boost of confidence every time.

You may be thinking...hang on...not the junk drawer...that is SUPPOSED to be a mess.  Trust me. Take 15 minutes to do this, and you will thank yourself dozens of times this week.  This is a great project for the kids if you have any at the 'I want to help' age.  They are experts at sorting! No idea where to start?

1) Empty the drawer, completely.  Trying to rearrange things in that little space will only frustrate you.

2) Separate into two piles; what belongs in the drawer, and what doesn't.  Move the "doesn't" pile out of the way for now.

3) Group like things. HINT: Ponytail holders make sturdy substitutes for rubberbands (that always break) to put around pens/pencils/markers.

4) Wipe out the drawer so it is clean and dry before putting anything back.

5) Arrange your items back in the drawer.  HINT: Put the screwdriver that you rarely need in the back and pens in the front so they are easily accessible (or whatever makes sense for your life).

6) Start thanking yourself.

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