Thursday, November 13, 2014

Organizing for Travel

Even for those that have mastered the art of "fly by the seat of your pants" (this is not me, I'm terrible at that), being organized during travel can save a lot of worry and headaches.  Here are my top 5 tips for organized travel.

1)  Prepare a Packet with Key Information - Include your flight information, hotel address, directions if you aren't using (or don't trust) GPS, a list of additional stops/destinations with addresses and phone numbers.  By doing this ahead, you'll save yourself time while on your trip and have peace of mind knowing it is all at your fingertips.

2) Pack light, but within reason.  I went on a family vacation once, and I thought I'd impress everyone with my 'light packing' skills.  Let me tell you, huge mistake.  The whole vacation I kept thinking, "I wish I had this, I wish I had that."  Don't go overboard, but take what you need.  If you want that special pair of shoes to go with your outfit, throw them won't regret it.

3) Make a list ahead of time, but don't pack ahead.  I know some won't agree with this.  Making a list ahead of time makes complete sense.  As you think of things, you add them to the list.  But, wait until you have time to spend 1 hour packing, then whip down the list and pack it up.  If you pack a little at a time, you lose track, spend lots of time going back through to remember what you already did and are much more likely to forget something.  List upfront.  Pack all at once.

4) Communicate your plans to friends and family.  Let them know how long you'll be gone, forward an itinerary to someone that can reach you in case of an emergency at home. IMPORTANT DISTINCTION: Informing friends and family is NOT the same as posting on Facebook that you'll be gone for two weeks on your dream vacation in another country.  If you are going to do this, just go ahead and also post that you'll leave a spare key under the mat for any bad guys who may want to visit your home while you are out. Common sense, I know, but it is amazing how many people do this!

5) Always, always, have one bag packed with 1 day/night essentials.  Even if you are driving, you should have a separate bag packed with one set of clothes, some toiletries, etc that each person traveling would need if you need to make an unplanned stop.  Obviously, if traveling by air, this is a must!  If your luggage has never been lost, knock on wood now, and I will pray for you it never is.  But, pack an essentials bag, just in case.

Happy Travels!

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